Explore the


that dMessage brings to your organization

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🔔 Alert immediately

  • Internet is down? The service has just been restarted?
  • A virus or ransomware threatens your infrastructure?
  • A health alert to broadcast?

Our solution:

Instantly notify the employees concerned by a pop-up alert. Broadcast the message securely on your local network.

📵 Reduce support calls

  • Do you want to notify your users of a software update?
  • A problem with a server? An application is down?
  • A particular process to detect?

Our solution :

Tailored for IT support, dMessage makes it possible to filter the recipients according to the configuration of their station to reach only those who are concern

👋 Facilitate communication

  • Are all your messages the same?
  • Would you like to be able to prepare a standard message to facilitate its sending?
  • Do you want to speed up your communication?

Our solution :

Prepare message templates in advance and specify their recipients. Once a template is set up, it only takes a few clicks to send the message.

👀 Ensure reading

  • Is your company email saturated with messages that no one reads?
  • Does your message need to be read?
  • An emergency to communicate to identified collaborators?

Our solution :

Personalize and send messages that will appear front and center on recipients' screens. This way you can be sure that it will be read.

Control your communication

  • Do you want to better control the distribution of internal messages?
  • Need a fast, one-way communication solution?
  • Want to limit the number of senders?

Our solution:

Only install the sending console to collaborators who need to be able to send messages. The others can only receive them.

✈ Send pop-ups without Net send

  • Are you looking for a recent and secure alternative to Net Send?
  • Want to send pop-up messages from the command line?
  • Want to automate sending messages?

Our solution :

Send messages in parameterized command lines in which you define the recipients and options to integrate.

🚨 Manage emergency situations

  • An assault occurs at the reception desk?
  • Have people from outside the organization entered the premises?
  • A critical application is down?

Our solution :

Prepare your message templates to respond to emergency situations. Create shortcuts so collaborators can send them with just a double-click.

📧 Do not depend on your email

  • Your mailbox is down and e-mails are not received?
  • The internet connection is interrupted?
  • Emails not being read or not reaching recipients fast enough?

Our solution :

dMessage is independent of messaging and internet connection: continue to communicate effectively with pop-up messages.

Improve the distribution of your information

  • Your appointment has just arrived, you want to be notified even if you are on the phone?
  • A meeting is moved and you want to notify the participants?
  • Want to automate sending messages?

Our solution :

Send a quick and discreet pop-up message. Notify only those affected.