Practical case: Software maintenance

In this post, you will discover the benefits of dMessage software for notify employees of application maintenance.

dMessage is a tool that allows you to send personalized messages and alertes to users according to their name, their membership group in the active directory, their workstation or even their IP address. It is particularly useful for informing them of planned or unplanned maintenance operations, which may affect the availability or performance of the application.

dMessage has several advantages over methods traditional communication methods, such as emails or instant messaging.

First of all, it allows you to target messages according to needs and user expectations. For example, you can choose to send a message to all users connected at a certain time, to those who have a registry key or value, or those who have particular software running on their workstation, and this thanks to numerous advanced targeting filters.

You can also personalize the content of the message as well as its formatting

Finally, dMessage allows you to effectively manage schedule and frequency messages. You can program in advance the messages to send for maintenance planned, taking into account time zones and holidays. We can also adjust the delay and repetition of messages depending on the urgency and impact of the maintenance. For example, you can send a message 24 hours before a scheduled maintenance, then a reminder 1 hour before, then a confirmation message once the maintenance has been completed finished.

In conclusion, dMessage is software that facilitates communication with users of an application during application maintenance. It allows them to be informed effectively and respectfully, while taking into account their needs and preferences.

You can download a trial version for free here.

If you are interested in the software, please feel free to contact us contact for more for information or for a demonstration.